UPS Basketball
University Park Sports Basketball is a youth recreational basketball program that serves children in K-8th grade. We partner with the City of Takoma Park Sports to host a winter basketball league. We offer coed teams from K-2nd grade and all-girls teams 3rd-8th grade and all-boys teams 3rd-8th grade.
Here's the breakdown: Kindergarten (coed), 1st grade (coed), 2nd grade (coed), 3rd/4th grade (boys) and 3rd/4th grade (girls), 5th/6th grade (boys) and 5th/6th grade (girls), 7th/8th grade (boys) and 7th/8th grade (girls) divisions.
We welcome all children regardless of experience, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or immigration status. We are a 100% volunteer run basketball program, so please consider volunteering to coach! Coaches are not required to have any prior basketball experience, but we encourage those with the most experience to coach the older players.
Registration is currently $140 and includes a team shirt, insurance, coach background checks, equipment maintenance, gym rental fees and registration for our league. The registration price is subject to change depending on insurance and t-shirt prices. There is a $5 discount for every additional child per family.
The season runs for 8 weeks from January - March with the first game taking place around January 14th. Practices will likely start as early as November at University Park Elementary, Fellegy Elementary, and Lewisdale Elementary. Please note that there is extensive coordination with PGCPS to reserve gyms and our reservations reflect the best case scenario considering where PGCPS was able to accomodate.
***Registration is a two step process.***
Fill out this Google Form for each player. (Registration to go live by October 7th, 2024).
Click here to submit registration payment(s) via SquareUp.
*Note, registration officially closes on November 15th, but please note that teams will fill up and could be full by the middle or end of October! Teams are formed on a first come, first served basis with limited capacity. Once teams are filled to max capacity, there is a chance we cannot take any more players and will need to cut off registration. We will strive to ensure that all kids who want to play are able but we are under Takoma Park's league and will need to see if there is room for additional teams as registration continues.
Please contact with questions. (please note - UPSports is run by volunteers who have kids of their own and work full time jobs. Please be patient and kind as we team up to provide a great experience for the KIDS!)